

The standard filters

Class Description
miSqlFilter Abstract base sql filter class
miSqlFilterOneValue Abstract filter class for filters with one parametized value
miSqlFilterSubstring Filter for matching substrings. Uses the like operator
miSqlFilterStarts Filter for matching the begining of strings. Uses the like operator
miSqlFilterEnds Filter for matching the endings of strings. Uses the like operator
miSqlFilterSimple Base filter class for simple comparion operator filters
miSqlFilterBiggerThan Simple filter for the > (bigger than) operator
miSqlFilterBiggerOrEqual Simple filter for the >= (bigger or equal) operator
miSqlFilterSmallerThan Simple filter for the < (smaller than) operator
miSqlFilterSmallerOrEqual Simple filter for the <= (smaller or equal) operator
miSqlFilterRegExp Regular expression filter
miSqlFilterIn Filter checking that the field is equal to any of the vaues
miSqlFilterNotIn Filter checking that the field is not equal to any of the vaues
miSqlFilterCustom Sql filter with custom SQL code
require_once (dirname(__FILE__).'/../database/StaticDBUtil.php') (line 12)

Include the db class

Documentation generated on Thu, 08 May 2008 16:57:32 +0300 by phpDocumentor 1.4.1